Trips for Kids received the first SBF grant in 2013 to create an informational display that will educate customers and youth participants of the importance of bicycle safety. The display installation was completed in February and is located at TFK’s Re-Cyclery Bike Thrift Shop, 610 4th Street and at the Re-Cyclery Training Center, 125 Larkspur, both in San Rafael. All items are for sale. The Sylvia Bingham Fund will subsidize some items for low-income buyers.
The Bicycle Safety Display features safety equipment such as reflective vests and lights that increase rider visibility as well as some newly developed products. One is the innovative Finnish “swing wing” sold by Cantitoe Road, a creative and simple way to remind cars to leave three feet when passing, as required by a new California law.
See Marin County Bicycle Coalition website post with TFK press release and a photo of the safety wing.